Invitation to online workshop on ‘How to facilitate the transition towards sustainable urban logistics?’


You are invited to join the online workshop to give your views how cities and private sectors can work together to make urban logistics more sustainable. This workshop is co-organised by the Driving Urban Transition (DUT) partnership and the ENTRANCE project. Objectives of the workshop: Who should join: Anyone who is interested in implementation innovative logistics…

You are invited to join the online workshop to give your views how cities and private sectors can work together to make urban logistics more sustainable. This workshop is co-organised by the Driving Urban Transition (DUT) partnership and the ENTRANCE project.

Objectives of the workshop:

  • Sharing views from city authorities and logistics practitioners on challenges and opportunities they face when implementing sustainable urban logistics
  • Identify opportunities the Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) programme can support for implementation of innovative solutions of urban logistics (priorities, type of projects, type of consortium etc.)

Who should join: Anyone who is interested in implementation innovative logistics solutions in cities including but limited to:

  • Cities authorities
  • Logistics innovative solutions providers and potential buyers
  • Researchers
  • City networks and organizations for cities’ climate action

Format of the workshop: The workshop will consist of presentations and group discussions. Presentations will provide examples of current practices for inspiring discussions. Participates will be divided into several groups and each of the group will consist of various stakeholders: city authorities, logistics practitioners, researchers etc. Each group will have a moderator to guide discussion and rapporteur to report key outcomes. Participates will be automatically assigned into different groups. Online survey using SLIDO will be open during group discussions to collect additional inputs.

13:00 – 13:10 Welcome and Objectives of this workshop, 
by Jeanett Bolther, coordinator of the ENTRANCE project

13:10 – 13:20 Introduction of Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Partnership, by Maximilian Jäger, DUT Partnership secretariat

13:20 – 13:30 Good practices for Smart Governance and Regulation & Clean & alternative fleet:

  • Zero Emission Zones for Freight by Catherine Ittner, Zero Emission Freight Senior Programme Manager of C40Swedish initiatives supporting zero emission road freight and logistics

13.30  – 14:00 Group discussion I

  • Which are the main challenges and barriers for the implementation and enforcement of zero emission zones?
  • What are key drivers for implementations of zero emission vehicles and solutions requirements?
  • What kind of efforts would you like DUT to support?

14:00 – 14:20 Good practices for logistics operation, data acquisition and consumer engagement:

  • Implementation of Collaborative Urban Logistics Transport (CULT) in Antwerp by Alex Van Breedam, CEO of TRI-VIZOR
  • Empower customers for uptake of sustainable urban delivery, Josephine Darlington, head of Alliance for Sustainable e-Commerce (ASTER)

14:20 – 14: 50 Group discussion II

  • Which are the main challenges and barriers for data sharing between public and private sectors as well as among private companies?
  • What are key drivers for implementations of collaborative logistics solutions?
  • What should policy makers and e-commerce companies do to support sustainable urban delivery?
  • What kind of efforts would you like DUT to support?

14.50 Summary of Group discussion

15.00 Adjourn

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