NEMU project – Kick-off webinar


Welcome to the NEMU project’s first webinar – a kick-off webinar introducing NEMU! Date: Tuesday 3rd of December at 09:00-12:00 CET. NEMU – Nordic Ecosystem Mobility Unlimited – is about elevating Nordic Connectivity The NEMU project is a project owned by Nordic+, with the partners ITS Norway, ITS Finland, ITS Danmark and ITS Island, in addition to Entur, Matkahuolto og SFMCON, funeded partially by Nordic…

Welcome to the NEMU project’s first webinar – a kick-off webinar introducing NEMU!

Date: Tuesday 3rd of December at 09:00-12:00 CET.

NEMU – Nordic Ecosystem Mobility Unlimited – is about elevating Nordic Connectivity

The NEMU project is a project owned by Nordic+, with the partners ITS NorwayITS FinlandITS Danmark and ITS Island, in addition to EnturMatkahuolto og SFMCON, funeded partially by Nordic Innovation, and with the duration periode 2024-2027.

Rational: Seamless multimodal mobility across borders in the Nordics and beyond is essential to the EU commuting and leisure travel market. It is also one of the action points in the EU Green Deal and the Nordic Vision 2030: The Nordic Region will become the world’s most sustainable and integrated region by 2030.

Problem: While using a private car or air travel to cross borders in the Nordic region is easy and digital, planning and traveling using sea-based or public transport is fragmented and mostly confined to national boundaries.

Solution: NEMU will demonstrate the use of public transport and private transport providers to travel across the Nordic region is possible and easy too. The initiative leverage existing open mobility data to enable seamless, sustainable, and borderless travel across Nordic countries using one app and pay once.

By integrating the planning, booking and payment process in a one-stop and user-friendly service, NEMU addresses the pressing need for more efficient and environmentally friendly transportation in the Nordics.

Background and resources

The project is using the findings and results of the NOMAD project as a starting point and collaborates with the standardization network ODIN and the transportation authorities in the Nordics to make sure it is in line with local and EU regulations. The project’s industry partners, Entur, Matkahuolto, and SFMCON, will enable and carry out the demonstrations.


NEMU addresses cross-border travel services in two corridors:

  • The North-South: Oslo – Gothenburg – Malmö – Copenhagen (train & bus as a minimum), enabled by Entur’s MaaS-app.
  • East-West: Helsinki – Stockholm – Oslo (train, bus and ferry), enabled by Matkahoulto’s MaaS-app.

NEMU demonstrates how single MaaS apps can make Nordic journeys more accessible and an open market for mobility actors and software developers.


  • Welcome.
    Trond Hovland, ITS Norway, and Nina Egeli, Nordic Innovation.
  • Keynote: Stay tuned.
  • Planning multimodal cross border journeys – what is the problem?
    Group exercise.
  • Multimodal planning, ticketing and navigation in one go even cross border – NEMU, Nordic Ecosystem for Mobility Unlimited.
    Søren Sørensen, SFMCON.
  • Coffeebreak.
  • Entur’s mission to expand multimodal planning and ticketing to Copenhagen.
    Brede Dammen, Entur.
  • Getting from Finland to other Nordic countries and beyond involves a ferry ride.
    Johanna Taskinen, Matkahoulto.
  • Panel discussion and Q&A.
  • End of session.

You can find the registration here!

You can find the recording of the webinar below:

You can find the presentations from the webinar below:

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NEMU project – Kick-off webinar


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