Ruter and AUTOPIA: What did we learn from 10 months of AV operation in Ski?


Ruter and AUTOPIA: What did we learn from 10 months of AV operation in Ski? From April 2021 until January 2022, Ruter and the AUTOPIA partnership trialled a service of automated vehicle transport in Ski. The vehicles operated along a route between Ski station and the nearby neighbourhood of Hebekk, as an integrated part of the local public…

Ruter and AUTOPIA: What did we learn from 10 months of AV operation in Ski?

From April 2021 until January 2022, Ruter and the AUTOPIA partnership trialled a service of automated vehicle transport in Ski. The vehicles operated along a route between Ski station and the nearby neighbourhood of Hebekk, as an integrated part of the local public transport system.

What did we learn from these ten months of operation?

We will also talk about Ruter’s vision for automated mobility, what our roadmap going forward looks like, and how interested parties can take part in our movement to make shared, automated mobility part of everyday life.

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